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Rhinoplasty Dr Vivien Moris


Rhinoplasty - Indication

Rhinoplasty is indicated to reshaping the nasal structure for aesthetic appeal and correcting breathing issues.

Hospital stay

The patient can go home the same day. 

Surgical technique

Rhinoplasty involves precise surgical techniques to modify the nasal bone and cartilage with an open approach.

Post-operative care

2 days will painless nostril mechs.

7 days with a nasal cast.

Simple saline water cleaning inside the nostril and oil for the scar.


Around 3 hours under general anesthesia.


Sports / Daily life

The patient should avoid lifting weights, including children, for one month. Normal sedentary activities can be resumed on the day of the surgery.

Rhinoplasty Dr Vivien Moris


What is a rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure that alters the shape, size, or proportions of the nose. It can be performed for cosmetic reasons, to enhance the appearance of the nose and harmonize it with other facial features, or for functional purposes, such as correcting breathing problems related to structural issues in the nose. The procedure involves modifying the nasal bones and cartilage, and it requires careful planning and execution to achieve the desired aesthetic result while maintaining or improving nasal function.

Is the scar visible for an open rhinoplasty?

In an open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made on the columella, which is the strip of tissue separating the nostrils. This approach provides the surgeon with more visibility and access to the nasal structure compared to the closed rhinoplasty technique, where all incisions are made within the nostrils. The scar from an open rhinoplasty is typically very small and strategically placed in the natural contours of the nose, making it less noticeable. Over time, this scar usually heals well and becomes barely visible to the untrained eye. The visibility of the scar can also depend on factors like the patient's skin type, the surgeon's technique, and postoperative care.

What kind of result can I expect?

For 5 to 10 days post-surgery, you may experience bruising around the eyes and water retention in the face. The cast will be removed after 7 to 10 days. At this point, you will see the initial results, but with notable swelling. These results will dramatically improve over the first 3 months. By the 3-month mark, approximately 80% of the swelling will have subsided, providing a better idea of the final result. The final outcome is typically expected 1 year after the procedure.

Is it a painful procedure?

Not really, I use a long-lasting anesthetic product to diminish the pain for the first day. Then, a proper painkiller medication will be prescribed. Usually, it's not considered a painful procedure.

I heard about nostril mechs after the surgery, it seems to be horrifically painful. Is it true?

Absolutely not, I don't use the painful mechs, It will be a painless mechs with oil. I remove it 2 days after the surgery.

Can I combine rhinoplasty surgery with an other procedure?

Yes, it's technically possible, but I don't recommend it. The nose is an organ with a lot of bacteria. Performing surgery on the nose will increase the bacterial load in your blood. If another part of the body is undergoing a procedure, the risk of infection is disproportionate.

When can I resume sport activities?

It's important for patients to understand that the recovery period can vary, and returning to physical activity should be a gradual process. Typically, light activities, such as walking, can be resumed within a few days post-surgery, aiding circulation and recovery. However, it's crucial to avoid strenuous activities, especially those that involve the chest muscles like weight lifting for at least four to six weeks. This allows the implants to properly settle and the incision sites to heal. High-impact activities, such as running or jumping, should be reintroduced slowly and only after one month after the surgery.

I have breathing problems and snoring at night, can we correct this in the same time?

Yes, it is possible to address breathing problems and snoring during the same surgical procedure. Depending on the nature of your breathing issues, I may perform a septoplasty and turbinectomy to improve the functionality during your surgery.

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