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Temporal lift

Temporal Lift - Fox Eyes

Fox Eyes - Indication

Fox Eyes Surgery is a cosmetic procedure aimed at achieving an uplifted and elongated eye appearance, similar to the alluring eyes of a fox.

Hospital stay

The patient can go home the same day. 

Surgical technique

3 options for the Fox Eyes:

- Botox:  will relax the muscles responsible for pulling down the outer corners of the eyes

- Threads: bad idea

- Temporal lift:  small incisions near the temples and suture 

Post-operative care

The compression dressing will be removed the following day, and you can resume shampooing after one week.


Around 1 hours under local or general anesthesia


Sports / Daily life

The patient should avoid lifting weights, including children, for one month. Normal sedentary activities can be resumed on the day of the surgery.

Fox eyes animation Dr Vivien Moris Dubai

Eye Brow Lift

What exactly is a Fox Eyes procedure?

The Fox Eyes Effect is a popular cosmetic trend that aims to recreate the captivating and elongated eye shape reminiscent of a fox's gaze. The goal of procedures designed to achieve this effect, such as Temporal Lifts, Thread Lifts, and Botox treatments, is to create a lifted, almond-shaped eye appearance. This enhances the overall allure and attractiveness of the eyes, contributing to a more exotic and youthful look. Temporal Lifts surgically lift the outer corners of the eyes, while Thread Lifts provide a non-surgical alternative with subtle yet noticeable results. Botox injections relax specific eye muscles to achieve a lifted and refreshed appearance. These procedures offer individuals the opportunity to embrace the distinctive and alluring fox eyes aesthetic, enhancing their natural beauty and facial harmony.

What are the different procedures to obtain a Fox Eyes?

  1. Temporal Lift: This surgical procedure involves lifting the outer corners of the eyes, creating an upward slant. The goal is to elongate the eye shape and achieve a more exotic and alluring appearance. It can also help open up the eyes for a more refreshed look.

  2. Thread Lifts: Thread Lifts are a non-surgical option that uses dissolvable threads to lift and contour the eye area. By strategically placing threads under the skin, I definitely not recommending the use of threads.

  3. Botox: Botox injections are used to relax the muscles responsible for pulling down the outer corners of the eyes. This treatment aims to create a lifted and more awake eye appearance, which is a key aspect of the fox eyes trend.

Where are the scars of a temporal lift for Fox Eyes?

There will be a 3 cm scar hidden in the hair scalp close to the temples.

Can we do the temporal lift under local anesthesia

Yes, like the facelift procedure can indeed be performed under local anesthesia, eliminating the potential risks associated with general anesthesia. To achieve this, a combination of local anesthetic products is used to provide an extended numbing effect. During the procedure, the patient remains awake, similar to a dental procedure, but they do not experience any pain, ensuring a comfortable and safe surgical experience.

Can I combine the temporal lift with other face procedures?

Yes, it's possible and it's a smart decision to combine various types of facial procedures, including eyelid surgery (both upper and lower blepharoplasty), temporal lift, lip lift, buccal fat pad removal, and face fat transfer, to achieve a comprehensive facial rejuvenation tailored to individual goals and needs.

When can I resume sport activities?

It's important for patients to understand that the recovery period can vary, and returning to physical activity should be a gradual process. Typically, light activities, such as walking, can be resumed within a few days post-surgery, aiding circulation and recovery. However, it's crucial to avoid strenuous activities, especially those that involve the chest muscles like weight lifting for at least four to six weeks. This allows the implants to properly settle and the incision sites to heal. High-impact activities, such as running or jumping, should be reintroduced slowly and only after one month after the surgery.

What are the risks of temporal lift?

These surgical interventions carry the general risks associated with any surgical procedure, including the possibility of infection, bleeding, and scarring. In the case of temporal lifts, the incisions are typically made near the temples, which can result in visible scars, although they often fade over time. Achieving perfect symmetry can also be challenging, and there is a risk of slight asymmetry in the appearance of the lifted eye corners. Temporary numbness or altered sensation near the incision sites is another possible outcome. Additionally, in some cases, there may be slight alterations to the hairline near the incision area, which may be a consideration for individuals with specific hairline preferences.

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